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quick START

The Quick Start program offers an accelerated pathway to iiGNITER certification, focusing on addressing a specific pain point in your organization's ability to attract, retain, and develop next-generation talent. This program is designed to provide a targeted solution and expedite the implementation process. By honing in on a specific pain point, we can deliver immediate and impactful strategies to address the identified challenge, empowering your organization to make swift progress in enhancing your talent acquisition and development efforts. The Quick Start program serves as a concentrated and efficient solution to jumpstart your journey towards optimizing your ability to attract, retain, and develop the next generation of top talent.


Two Days with the experts.


iiMMERSIVE Assessment

Our immersive assessment is a comprehensive and dynamic process designed to evaluate a company's effectiveness in attracting, retaining, and developing next-generation talent. By immersing ourselves in the company's culture and operations, we gain valuable insights into their strengths and weaknesses in these crucial areas. Through a combination of interviews, observations, and data analysis, we assess the company's recruitment strategies, employee engagement initiatives, professional development programs, and overall organizational culture. This immersive approach enables us to identify the company's successes and areas for improvement, providing actionable recommendations to optimize their ability to attract, retain, and develop the talented individuals who will drive their future success.



The results of our immersive assessment will be delivered to you in the form of a comprehensive blueprint. This blueprint will provide a detailed analysis of your company's strengths and weaknesses in attracting, retaining, and developing next-generation talent. It will include a summary of our findings, highlighting key areas where your company excels and areas that require improvement. Additionally, the blueprint will outline specific recommendations and strategies tailored to your organization, aiming to enhance your ability to attract top talent, create a positive work environment that fosters employee retention, and implement effective development programs to nurture the potential of your next-gen workforce. The blueprint will serve as a practical and actionable guide, empowering your company to make informed decisions and implement targeted initiatives that will drive long-term success in talent acquisition and development.


1/2 Day Training

Title: Implementing the Talent Blueprint: A Half-Day Training Workshop

Objective: The objective of this half-day training workshop is to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to begin implementing the talent blueprint effectively. By the end of the workshop, participants will have a clear understanding of the steps involved in implementing the blueprint and will be ready to take practical action to attract, retain, and develop next-gen talent.



  1. Introduction (30 minutes)

    • Overview of the talent blueprint and its significance

    • Explanation of the workshop's objectives and agenda

    • Setting expectations and establishing a positive learning environment

  2. Understanding the Assessment Findings (60 minutes)

    • Reviewing the assessment results and identifying key findings

    • Discussing strengths and weaknesses identified in attracting, retaining, and developing next-gen talent

    • Prioritizing areas for improvement based on assessment findings

  3. Developing an Implementation Plan (60 minutes)

    • Identifying specific goals and objectives based on the blueprint recommendations

    • Breaking down implementation into actionable steps and timelines

    • Assigning responsibilities and establishing accountability measures

  4. Enhancing Recruitment Strategies (60 minutes)

    • Exploring innovative approaches to attract next-gen talent

    • Developing a compelling employer brand and value proposition

    • Leveraging technology and social media platforms for effective recruitment

  5. Creating a Culture of Engagement (60 minutes)

    • Understanding the importance of employee engagement and its impact on retention

    • Strategies for fostering a positive work environment and promoting employee satisfaction

    • Implementing effective communication and recognition programs

  6. Implementing Development Programs (60 minutes)

    • Designing and delivering targeted training and development initiatives

    • Mentoring and coaching programs to nurture next-gen talent

    • Creating opportunities for career advancement and growth

  7. Action Planning and Next Steps (30 minutes)

    • Reflecting on the workshop learnings and discussions

    • Creating individual action plans for implementation

    • Identifying key milestones and establishing a framework for progress monitoring

  8. Closing and Q&A Session (30 minutes)

    • Addressing participants' questions and concerns

    • Summarizing the key takeaways from the workshop

    • Providing additional resources and support for ongoing implementation

Note: This workshop outline can be customized and adjusted to suit the specific needs and context of your organization.

Get in Touch

Get in touch with us today to find out more about how our Quick Start program can help your organization address specific pain points and accelerate your ability to attract, retain, and develop next-gen talent. Our team of experts is ready to provide you with comprehensive information and discuss how our tailored solutions can drive tangible results for your organization. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take a proactive step towards optimizing your talent strategies. Contact us now to learn more.

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